We have not disappeared or fallen off the face of the earth...I just keep waiting for my head to stop spinning- but alas- I do not believe it will! Life here in Indiana continues to be a sweet blessing even with all of the hardships. We are on our second round of illnesses, still dealing with various emotions with 6 different individuals, have yet to find a rhythm in our schedule, and feel overwhelmed with life in general......YET- the Lord confirms our move, our calling, and His assurance to be with us.
We have discovered many soul inspiring places, people, and things to urge us on here in Indiana! The people....what can I say??? I feel blessed everyday with new friends and their enveloping love and encouragement. They have invited us places, brought meals, taken our kids everywhere, offered vacation homes, and simply loved us. I really look forward to continuing to meet and get to know folks here. The kids are well loved- rest assured. They still deeply miss all of you and life in Ephrata, there is not a day that goes by without a memory from someone or tears from another- BUT- they cannot ignore the Lord's care and provision as His Body here continues to love them.
Although I long for familiarity and to be done with transitions, I am finding moments and blessing that lift my spirits and get me through the days. Many of you have already seen "my tree" in our front yard--it is amazing and for about 2 1/2 weeks God breathed life into me with it's beauty! It was magnificent, the vibrant colors and the sun shining through it each day brought me comfort. The tire swing which now hangs from it also was an essential addition to our home as it drew my kids outdoors. There is a fire place in our home...so although I do not have a bath (so sad) I have traded it for a fireplace!
So- we are well and thank you for all our your prayers and contact! I will give you a brief synopsis of each child. MacKenzie is blossoming! Please pray for friendships for her, she has met many people but now longs for "friends." She communicated for the first time the other day how much she misses home. Joseph continues to do just fine. He is very needy for some reason and we will face some educational decisions with him this year but he is happy and sad moments are much less. Annabelle- well she too enjoys life here but wants to be back with Chloe, Nikola, and Sophie. She has quit gymnastics yet still cries about it but will not let me take her to a gym- please pray that she finds the activity that she loves. Sammy is improving- his disabilities have magnified with out the comforts of home. He continues to really not do well with transition and doesn't understand why God would bring him here. Pray for him to learn how to read and that we could find some avenues of academic success for him.
No- not our house but a wonderful getaway "cabin" which has been offered to us and we enjoyed a few days here |
The kids caught MANY fish each at the cabin- Sammy wouldn't touch his |
among other amazing nature discoveries...a friendly box turtle |
The catch of the day-- well catch of his life really |
She is loving outdoor adventures as much as I am |
No fall is complete without a trip to the pumpkin patch |
The tire swing on our wonderful tree has brought my kids back outside to play...what a relief |
A friend introduced us to Brown County, an hour south and a treasure of a place where we will find ourselves often |
These two don't remember leaves like these! Hours of fun |
They all look ok- don't they??? We will get through this transition |
what fun! |
I think I have about 100 pictures of this tree- I just couldn't stop looking at the brilliance |
Sweet girl is doing very well |
Pumpkin carving indoors this year---and they all do their own now!!! Amazing |
Love the blank walls???UGH- I need color! |