Seems life doesn't allow many moment for me to reflect and blog anymore, why is that? Well, summer has recently come upon us with a sweet, comforting arrival and given me a bit of time. I realized this year that I no longer have little kids!!! I know-duh- right! Our lives have changed so much- we are in "The Middles" and watching "The Littles" go away has been hard. Having -not little kids and not big kids is well.....exhausting!!!!! I remember my sister telling me several years ago-"I would go back to diapers over this!" My response was a pensive...."NO WAY!" It seemed in those days all I did was change diapers!
I understand her now! There are some things I am learning being in the middles, thought I would share them with you:
1. It used to be you had to make sure you had food and diapers in the car, now I make sure I always have a book- FOR ME! I spend hours upon hours in the car, not just driving, but waiting. I am also very thankful that in Indiana I can talk on the cell phone.
2. Food....plenty of food in the house- NEVER run out!
3. Find new ways to discipline- the naughty seat and spanking just don't work anymore. I have had to be creative here but the worst is that the punishments make me sad!
4. I really have no control. Not sure why that one is a surprise to me?
5. Be deliberate. Life was so fun when we dealt with things as they came, now we actually have to "plan" vacation, have rules about media, "plan" time together", plan, plan, plan!
6. Speaking of media....WOW! What a strange phenomena which has occurred with the many media driven activities my kids have...make it stop! I think, particularly the teenager, could actually be on media 24 hours a day!
7. The communication of opinions is quite different now...enough said.
8. Dinner, at the dinner table, with 6 family members in an anomaly. Not sure when this happened but this goes back to #5.
9. All the things I held so deeply to, stubbornly- "My kids will never do that!" Well- they do that!
10. Pray! (and drive carefully)
The Littles |
The Middles |