Monday, March 28, 2011

What a BLAST!

Well- we finally had Joseph's birthday party (his birthday was February 18th)!  We had an Amazing Race party, about 20 kids in cars around town completing all sorts of challenges.  It was Rob's brainchild of racing to drink milkshakes, to putting up tents with no directions, to a Walmart extravaganza...and all sorts of things in between. It was his last birthday party- in our house all the fun ends at 10 years old...and he went out with a bang!
Five teams- red, orange, yellow, green, blue....and lots of good friends helping us out...
The birthday party of the year- good job Dad!
Feel free to comment on the new facial hair....he is very proud :)

My 10 year old!


  1. That party looks like it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!! (hee hee)
    I cannot believe you pulled that off; I never even would have tried. You guys rock!
    Happy birthday, double digits!!

  2. I agree... great party idea! Happy Birthday Joseph!
    Rob, you should be proud... that's impressive.
