Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why is spring so busy???

As a friend of mine put it this morning...I feel like a fly in a frying pan!!! What a great phrase!  My mind is jumping from one thing to the next at all times because there are so many things going on.  Soccer has ended for 2 children, baseball has begun, and gymnastics and soccer are both heightened season for the girls. I wonder how can the days be so busy.  This week is always one of the busiest of the year for us.  As a pastor's family it just ends up with ALOT of details flying around.  I cannot seem to focus and then there are Easter baskets........why Easter baskets?!? There are some tradition that one little part of me says in the back of my mind..."why did you start this?" Easter baskets are one of those traditions, birthday parties are another.  I love them, yet I don't.
This is the time of year that I really want to be enjoying every moment of sunshine and outdoors. The time of year when I really want to focus on the amazing sacrificial love of my Savior and His love for me.  The time of year for new beginnings and fresh starts. The time of year for noticing every centimeter of growth on each new flower.  The time of year that my children seem to have a wonderful excitement and freshness in their attitudes.  So- as I look at my week, my head spinning with the details of what I need to do- I want to remember that it all fails in comparison to the magnitude of what this Holy week is to me.  Help me to focus, Lord, on YOU! I hope all of you can take some time to focus on why this week is Holy week, what makes it different from all the rest of the year for you?
No pictures today...next time :)

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